But unlike the aforementioned Gurren Lagann character, they don't manage to make him nearly entertaining or tongue-in-cheek enough. The reaper, Grell Sutcliffe, had potential to be a loveable psychopath in the vein of Ladd Russo or any given Hellsing villain, but they eschew the chainsaw wielding, slasher smile route laid out in front of them in favour of making him incredibly, incredibly gay, as though they were trying to make a psychotic badass Leeron. Ciel is generally single-minded, only caring about whatever mission the Queen has given him, or getting revenge on those who ruined his life. most of which simply come down to him being a complete jerk to everyone. Ciel Phantomhive is probably the most likeable character in the show, being something of a snarky, deadpan character with a chip on his shoulder the size of Africa. Sadly, the rest of the cast isn't much better. He is completely overpowered, and is essentially an end all, fix all solution to more or less every single problem the series can throw at any of its characters. Not once do you feel for him as a character. This, however, is the first problem with the series. He is nigh invulnerable to everything, has amazing skill in pretty much every field, and is basically perfect in every way. As you probably already knew, Sebastian is a demon of sorts. he has a contract with his butler for his soul. Why this is the case isn't really explained, but nonetheless, most of the episodes play out as a Sherlock Holmes style detective series with him solving various supernatural mysteries.

Ciel is the head of a toy company, and is also in the employment of the Queen, who enlists him to deal with various mysteries. Kuroshitsuji is the story of a boy named Ciel Phantomhive, and his butler, Sebastian Michaelis. With that sadly necessary disclaimer out of the way, let's discuss Kuroshitsuji. There are plenty of legitimate reasons not to like Kuroshitsuji besides that, so before you reach for the Not Helpful button, please think for a second: are you doing that because my review is badly written, or just because you don't agree with my score? So, at the very least, just read the rest of the review first, OK? Kuroshitsuji (or Black Butler, whatever floats your boat) has tons of yaoi tropes, and has the word bishie plastered all over it, so you may think that being somebody who does not like these things, that I hate it because of that. As of late, Kuroshitsuji is essentially the poster-boy for thinly-veiled fangirl bait.